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Hello, I am Yanuario Bagas Prayoga or known as Kakanda Zyan, I am an active student of STMIK Akakom Yogyakarta who is currently studying in semester 3 with Information Systems Study Program.

In 2020 with the rise of the Covid-19 Virus, I collaborated with Web Developer Tectiko Indonesia to create an E-Learning system. Which one we aim for is Tutoring (BIMBEL), or Course Institutions. At that time they could only hold online meetings, but did not have a platform for online payments and online learning.

Finally, after we worked together, I started to design the core of the system and the business flow while Tectiko Indonesia created and managed the copyright or copyright of this system. We agree that this system is named SINAO (System Information Academic Online).

Now, during the grand launching of this system, we opened 3 package options, including:
1.Basic Package
2.Pro Package
3.Custom Package

With your own specifications and prices, colleagues can see it through Now, we have adjusted the price for the system itself, with the price margin according to the target segment or the appropriate educational institution for the course.

Problems in collaboration are virtually non-existent, maybe just bugs and display and demo accounts and management. For the solution itself, we are looking for it together, I solved the bug with the help of a team of programmers from Tectiko Indonesia

In conclusion, here, Tectiko Indonesia and I have succeeded in developing a system that has been used by almost 376 Course Institutions and 75 Bimbel throughout Indonesia.

Baca Juga :   Sistem Informasi Manajemen dan Manfaat untuk Bisnis

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